
Nama : viki kartika (1111776)
Pekerjaan : wiraswasta
Asal : bali

Kesan pertama selama b’gabung dgn DDN :
1. Bisnis yg menguntungkan
2. Produk b’kualitas & laku di pasaran
3. Bisa m’bantu orang yang sedang sakit

Sukses unt DDN & anda!!

Nama : NOVI DESTIA (1105566)
Pekerjaan : PNGM ( Pemain Network gagal Maning )

KITA CIPTAKAN BISNIS MLM YG AMAN,NYAMAN,CEPAT MENDAPATKAN HASIL.....SY Skrng sdng menjalankan MLM yg bonusnya harian menurut sy sngat luar biasa....tp belakangan ini " LUAR BIASA MUNGKIN BARU TERJADI DISINI BEBERAPA BANYAK LEADER YG DICORET NO ID NYA ,INI MENURUT SY AWAL KEHANCURAN" SEBELUM ID SY DICORET MENDING CARI PELUANG BARU....!!!!!!!!!!! INFO : malam minggu 28 mei 2011 sy ikut presenasi DDN di RM.PINDANG PEGAGAN ,Pembicara Leader DDN Bpk HUSNI PUTEG....presentasinya sangat sderhana tp malam itu jg sy putuskan, bergabung 4 HU......." DDN Diibaratkan HUSNI PUTEG buah "DURIAN " durian dihidangkan bersama buah yg lain tdk akan ada yg mau memakannya kalau belum kenal isinya ENAK..BEGITU JG DG PT.DDN, selama ini tdk ada leader yg mau melirik DDN dg alasan DDN MLM LOKAL, PRODUK LOKAL& KANTOR PUSATNYA DI BANDUNG,..stlah dikenal bahwa DDN Adalah MLM Lokal yg membuktikan mangjak masyarkat sehat dan sejahtera...BONUS DDN bukan harian,,, BONUS DDN 1/2 hari posting dibawah jam 08.00 pagi jam 13.00 bonus sdh diteransper....Bpk/ibu pengen tau berapa omset DDN perhari coba bpk/ibu hitung DDN stiap hari mengeluarkan bonus lbh dari 120 Jt..coba bayangkan hari jumat kemarin bonus sy 3,87 jt tp hari itu tdk dpt pringkat 10 bonus terbesar... berapa yg paling besar 11,8 jt/hr...INI SEMUANYA NYATA..SENGAJA SY INFOKAN INI BIAR TEMAN2 PNGM BISA MEMBUKTIKAN DIBISNIS PT.DDN...BUAT PAK HUSNI PUTEG TOLONG BINA SAYA DAN TEAM SAYA.....SALAM NOVI DESTIA

Nama : Ahmadi Aco (1012993)
Pekerjaan : wiraswasta
Asal : donggala, palu

ALHAMDULILLAH.... 3 ninggu yg lalu istri saya mengalami kelainan kesehatan, dari kelainan itu sy sarankan cek up ke dokter.. hasil usg kelihatan kiri kanan kista yg besarnya kiri 3 inc dan kanan 4 inc.. esoknya sy ke stokis beli propolis 2 botol minggu ke 3 cek up lg SUBHANALLAH... dokternya kaget... melihat hasil usg bersih.. sembuh.......

khasiat coffee dynamic
Nama : ella (0900066)
Pekerjaan : wiraswasta
Asal : palu

ada teman sy kena strok sdh egk bisa jalan,stlh minum 2 sachet coffee dynamic skrg sdh bisa berjaln mksh DDN..engkau tlah membntu ummat manusia kembli sehat..dan kaim pun sek komsumsi coffee dynamic, propolis dan clorhofilx.

Nama : Armilah (1022255)
Pekerjaan :
Asal : Tangerang

Wujudkan mimpi bersama PT DDN.....

Nama : MULIA (0900488)

Sy merasa sangat puas menjalankan bisnis DDN semuanya terbukti,mulai dr manfaat produk,sistem bisnisnya & promo umroh gratis...................Program umroh gratis DDN tgl 07 april s/d 15 april 2011, sy brsama suami benar2 puas selama menjalankan umroh penuh bimbingan baik dr upline Bpk HUSNI PUTEG dan Managemen Bpk AGUS HENDRIAWAN,SHi dan EYANG AGUNG pemilik Travel hampir semua jemaah yg bermaslh kesehatannya di terapinya hingga sehat...Bpk PROF.DR.QOMARI ANWAR,MA Memberikan bimbingan melaksanakan umroh yg benar mulai dr mandi ihrom sampai selesai (tahalul) dan di mekkah ada siraman rohani bagai mana cara "BERDAGANG YG BENAR ).....Sy sdh bberapa bnyak ikut menjalankan bisnis MLM tp baru di DDN lah yg benar2 untuk dunia & akhirat.sy katakan DDN bisnis BENAR BENAR NYATA.......MUDAH2AN THN 2012 DDN ADA PROGRAM UMROH LAGI.SALAM SUKSES


Tribulus-GREAT COFFEE COFFEEThis is a new way to express love to your partner. Enjoy Coffee Dynamic Tribulus together, and ... (you can feel yourself goes after drinking it.Imagine: Dynamic Tribulus Tribulus terrestris contains Coffee, MACA, and Panax Ginseng as well!Typically mixed so that it has helped improve the efficacy of hormones to our body cells both men and women. Shown to improve erection strength, overcome premature ejaculation, make him more powerful and long lasting in bed.Make you a real man!Enjoy better relationships and more GREAT POWERFUL with Dynamic Tribulus Coffee!

It is remarkable for its benefits tribulus dynamic coffee can actually be felt one of them could be a long life. That is related to longevity in the usual
only 5-10 minutes with dynamic tribulus can be 20-30 minutes, make a home more harmonious,
You do not believe it see for yourself! "
Dynamic Tribulus DAAHSYAAAATTTT COFFEE ... ... ...
(Bp.Suwardi - Situbondo)

Wow this really Strikes Coffee Tribulus Banget yaa ..!!!
Husbands who drink, even I am the Love ehh. He3x once ... he .. .. Karna I Can Orgasm so many times:)). Since then our Action Youth Back Together Like ... Banget Fun ..!
Yana's mother - JakartaIf you want to:

Happy couple by way of Improving Sexual Ability
Improve the function of reproductive organs (both male and female)
Prevent and cope with erectile disorder and premature ejaculation
Subtracting syndrome PMS and menopausal syndrome
Protect your prostate gland from swelling and prevents prostate abscess
Improve immune system
Improve and increase endurance
Lower the sugar content in the blood and reduce blood clotting
Improve liver function (blood circulation)

    Price of 1 sachet Dynamic Tribulus Coffee = Rp 25.000, -
Price Agent = Rp 625,000, - (get a box the contents of 30 sachets)

(With the purchase of 30 sachets, then you have to be ... We are Authorized Dealers.)You will also memdapatkan bonuses from DDN if you develop this business click here
Prices are very cheap right? Much cheaper when compared with a glass of Starbucks Coffee! Especially when compared with a grain of Viagra!Well, I can feel that you are very interested to immediately feel the awesomeness of this Dynamic Tribulus Coffee. Then how do I get it?

                             ORDERING PROCEDURE:
Do the first direct contact with the Customer Service kopidahsyat.com 

 hp: 081342613801-081944239877
 email: edijun09@gmail.com

Transfer the worth of goods ordered to the account: 

Bank Central Asia Account:
 Top Name: Junaedi

 Branch panakukan BNI
Account: 0135213234 
Top Name: Junaedi 

 Branch coral troutMoreover are you waiting for?If you love your spouse:

Do something for your spouse
Give the best for your beloved husband or wife

For the sake of harmony of your household
Do not let the issue of stamina to make your partner are forced to hide his disappointment ....Express your love for your partner by ordering a coffee Dynamic tribulus now.